An old friend finds a new foe
The Denver columnist who once called me a "weak white man" decided to get tough with Russell Wilson and the result is a column that shows how hollow a specific type of sports writing actually is.
Well, someone in Denver finally went and held Russell Wilson accountable, and by that I mean that someone typed up an entirely performative, utterly uninformative and pretty much meaningless column about a struggling player.
I am not surprised this happened nor am I surprised by the person who wrote it. I have some familiarity with the columnist in question given that he once called me a “weak white man” while I was a guest on a radio program he was hosting. That’s not the reason I’m writing about the column he wrote earlier this week. Well, it’s not the main reason. More like an added little perk, but the real issue I want to talk about is how utterly hollow this specific type of writing actually is.