The case for ignoring Jamal Adams
We're giving him exactly what he's seeking, which is attention, and that flies in the face of the desire of the person who matters most in this situation: the woman he insulted.
I think that Jamal Adams acted like a total jerk.
My opinion about his behavior is not unique nor is it all that important, though. At least not compared to the feelings of the woman Adams insulted on Twitter over the weekend.
That’s just part of the problem in our collective reaction to Seattle’s increasingly unpopular safety, though. The other part has to do with the fact that Adams’s behavior has succeeded in getting him exactly what it appears he wants most, which is attention and as everyone is tripping over themselves to quantify just how big of an asshole Adams actually is, the person whose wishes matter most in this situation is not being considered: the reporter’s wife.
She wants the whole thing to go away. I know this for a fact, and I supposed that even writing this flies in the face of that, but this is more of a private newsletter than a public forum, and I’m not going to use her name or repost her picture and engage on Twitter. I also think there’s a point worth making about the way we lose our collective minds online and act in ways that are at best counterproductive if not outright harmful.