Spot on, as usual Mr. O'Neil. I've always thought the same thing every time someone says dump ken Norton. It's Pete's team, and he's a defensive coach so to me that's on him really. Yeah, we're in trouble and I don't usually go that far but we are. We really need to tighten it up for sure.

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I agree. But is Pete calling the individual defensive plays. It's Pete's defense but is he the one calling blitz or coverages?

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End of the day this is Pete's team, and he's been living off the dried out husk of the 2011 to 2014 talent he procured. Sadly, Pete seems incapable of change, or perhaps even worse, unwilling. Unsure on JS, as I don't know how much of the draft misses is on Pete or John. Either way, top down change is needed come 2022. Thank God I have hockey to now distract myself with.

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Great article, DO. Yesterday was painful but at this point the only (overused) saying that comes to mind is something about what happens when one does the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. But it also feels like more than fit/scheme/gaps/etc..., It feels like this D is missing anything that resembles swagger/confidence. I know that one can be lousy and still posses hubris, but I asked my TV yesterday while watching, "Where in the hell are you guys?"

I still don't know.

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