It sounds very similar to an addiction, maybe not one that overwhelms your life, but something that's always there nevertheless. And in some twisted logic, "letting it go" means letting the object of that addiction/obsession win, and you can't have that, even if he/she/they has left the stage.

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I think that nails the really tricky part of grudges. You feel that if you let go of your hostility you're somehow letting the other person off the hook. This is very much the way I felt with regard to my stepfather. That I was somehow soft or a door mat if I didn't hold onto this and the result was that I kept myself tethered to him because I was so insistent upon clinging to the reasons I wanted nothing to do with him.

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I agree that it was poor form for people to boo Jerry Krause's widow like that, I mean she's an old lady and by almost all standards that's not nice. Michael didn't ask people to boo her though, and showing up when everyone knows how he feels about Jerry K. would be a little ridiculous, no? I think it's hard for those of us who watched that relationship unfold over the years to really understand the personal dynamics at work there. The Bulls were THE BULLS because of Michael Jordan. He is hands down the GOAT. Other people will make cases for Kobe or LeBron, but I feel like those people didn't see Michael play in real life or experience the head shaking, jaw dropping magic he brought to the game. So maybe he has held a lot of grudges, but as a white person I can't even begin to imagine the micro-aggressions and outright racist BS he put up with while basically providing the organization a license to print money. Now, being a huge grudge-holder myself, it's even odds I'm just rationalizing for my own benefit, lol.

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I doubt jordan (who was outplayed by kemp in the 96 finals) cares at all about collateral damage.

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I can write unequivocally that everyone, including Jordan, has the right to feel how they feel. So, who am I to judge his feelings towards Krause. Plus, Krause may have been a complete a-hole 1 on 1? Anyways, makes for a good essay:)

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